Topic > Research Paper on My Life - 688

Every day is still a struggle, although I find that I am able to handle it much more gracefully than in years past. Now I find that I have been given something good; I have been given the gift of HOPE. Hope is what keeps me going, like the fuel for my heart. It pushes me to become a better person and keeps me striving for a joyful life. I recently moved from Saint Paul to Bena, Minnesota to live with my father. I decided that I would start the prospect of attending Leech Lake Tribal College. I was accepted to attend and couldn't have been more excited to restart my studies. I am currently pursuing my Bachelor of Applied Science in Business Management. I would like to be in Human Resources and work with people in an environment where I can create positivity. Maybe become a program director; where I can create and run enriching businesses for Native youth in community-funded programs or centers. I myself am not a registered member, although my father is. I spent many summers here visiting my father's family in Bena, Minnesota, and learned about the beautiful nature of their Anishinaabe culture. I hope to learn more and try to understand and respect him as a Chippewa descendant. When I look at the seven Anishinaabe values; it inspires me to be kinder and seek wisdom more often. These values ​​are so thoughtful and admirable; I wish I could emulate them in my daily life more freely and without