Local Education AuthoritySummaryI find it important to take note of the distinct position and deep history of Belarus before proceeding in the summary and analysis. Belarus is a landlocked country in Eastern Europe that has suffered unrelenting brutal damage from the deadliest nuclear explosion in history. Belarus was severely contaminated resulting in the resettlement and relocation of 336,000 people. The Chernobyl explosion in April 1986 left the country of Belarus completely abandoned and became unforgiving for newcomers. As a newcomer to Belarus, Ales Rakovich faced a battle between organizational cultures, the administrative system, the Local Education Authority (LEA), and routines and traditions that brought LEA employees to maximum comfort in the workplace. Adam Lozinsky was the former head of the LEA and brought a sense of character to the organizational culture by following the work habits of his easy routine, which in due course brought the office to fourteen people, assuming this was a standard. As a result, there are no formal policies that establish or define rules about when staff should arrive at or leave the office each day. Everyone followed Lozinsky's time, entrance at nine and five, the employees were not told anything, so the tradition continues to live. This led to mutual predictability, a workable model, a tradition that everyone stuck to, and a work norm followed by most LEA employees. The crux of the matter here lies not in the fourteen employees, but in a central player in the game; the secretary. In the fundamental nature of the secretary is the hub of the organization and has a predetermined role to play as a conduit and handle correspondence and office work for an organization. Once this conduit is severed or otherwise disconnected, the message is lost and we encounter communication barriers. Analysis The past can directly influence the present and future state of the organization. Adam Lozinsky left a tradition of bringing employees comfortable working hours according to their standards. The pressure ultimately focuses on two key individuals; Ales Rakovich, the chief administrator, and his secretary Olga, the only secretary of the organization. We know little about Ales Rakovich's administrative procedures as the new chief, other than the "New Regime," which he will visit local school districts starting at eight in the morning and return to the office around noon..