Topic > The Positive and Negative Effects of Homework and Science

It has garnered a significant amount of attention on its negative and positive effects. Proponents such as (Cooper, 2009) have vehemently argued its many benefits. One of the main advantages of homework is the reiteration of the topics covered during class sessions and their use to improve study habits. Homework is also said to be used to extend learning beyond the school day (Marzano & Pickering2007). It further encourages teacher-independent academic learning (Paschal, Walberg, & Weinstein, 1985). Opponents argue that students are astonished and angered by homework they do not fully understand, as well as the large disparity in socioeconomic differences ((Horsley and Walker, 2013). It is also stated that homework should not be assigned to students in a lower grade because of their limited cognitive abilities (Bempechat, 2004). Homework is also supported by (Buell and Kralovec, 2000) that it should be abolished due to the overwhelming undesirable effect on the family..