It was in these monotonies, superficialities and banalities of human life that he found himself discouraged and from which he disappeared helplessly; the many failed marriages he suffered (or not) and the tumultuous relationship he had with his father, left a deep imprint on this story, the hunger artist's suffering, not from hunger, but from a lack of appreciation and understanding. Kafka saw his human spirit and mind emaciated and deteriorated due to the superficiality of the conventional, due to his own inability to fully satisfy his spiritual and intellectual needs, which seemed rather insatiable, with known logic, values and thought and accepted by man, the many truths of which Man was so sure did not attract him, or nothing at all. We see this in the faster's last words, when the overseer asks him why he can't help him fast, "because I couldn't find the food I liked. If I had found it, believe me, I should have made no fuss and stuffed myself like you or anyone else." Kafka found none of the things of this world edible for his mind. But Kafka found pleasure in living his life as he did, stripped of all the things he considered trivial and inessential, pouring all his strength and genius into trying to put his thoughts into words, it was an honor for him , much like how the Hunger Artist found pleasure and honor in his art, thus producing an entirely new style of writing and becoming one of the major influences of Surrealist literature