Topic > Structural unemployment in Hong Kong - 1467

. Introduction Unemployment refers to people who are available to work but are not employed and have attempted to look for work in the previous four weeks. Unemployment can also be divided into classical unemployment, frictional unemployment, structural unemployment, cyclical unemployment, seasonal unemployment and long-term unemployment. Unemployment lowers living standards and creates financial burdens for the unemployed. It also increases mental stress and lowers self-esteem. In this report, Hong Kong's recent structural unemployment situation is first discussed, and then government policies and their effectiveness are focused.2. Topic Definition/Justification Structural unemployment represents a type of unemployment that occurs when industrial transformation occurs. Development or changes in economic policies and structure will also lead to structural unemployment. The unemployed will need to improve their skills or continue their studies in order to meet the hiring requirements. (Nallari, 2010)Before the 20th century, Hong Kong was a small village that depended on fishing. Then the manufacturing industry began to develop. During the 1950s and 1960s was the heyday of the manufacturing industry (Carroll, 2013). As refugees arrived from the mainland to escape the civil war in China, the large increase in the workforce catered to this sector. Most of the factories produced wigs, plastic flowers, garments...etc., and most of them brought family business here. Hong Kong's industry began to change starting in the 1980s, when the mainland began reforms and opening-up policies and capital and factories moved to the mainland. (HULU Culture, 2011) Structural unemployment occurred during this period. Today there is a lot of work... half of the document... 2012, Implementation of the employment navigation pilot program. Hong Kong: Legislative Council. Secretariat of the Legislative Council. (2013). The latest development in employment services. Hong Kong: Legislative Council. Mutikani, L. (2009, 10 9). The structural unemployment crisis threatens the American economy. Retrieved from Reuters:, R. (2010, 09 23). Factors of structural unemployment. Retrieved from Selective Employment Division, Department of Labour, HKSARG. (2012, 12 11). Orientation and job placement scheme. Retrieved from the Selective Placement Division of the Department of Labor: