Topic > Jaffee v. Redmond: Groundbreaking Privacy Case

[3] The webpage cites how the Jaffee v. Redmond case forever cemented privacy rights between therapists and their clients. Prior to this hearing, the courts did not fully recognize this privilege and considered withholding information about the session to be almost equivalent to an admission of guilt. Although doctor-patient confidentiality is standard today, one caveat about this privilege is that it does not protect all statements made to therapists and applies only to regularly scheduled appointments. Furthermore, if a patient reveals that he intends to harm someone, it is the therapist's duty to report this fact to the relevant authorities. Complex legal issues require educated employees The Jaffee-Redmond ruling has had a major impact on the way all organizations and businesses treat staff members. rights. Today, the HR legal environment requires that all key organizational professionals know and understand the laws affected by this case. Potential candidates who are familiar with these laws and similar issues can prevail over less informed candidates. Training on current privacy laws is a valuable resource in several settings, including: • Healthcare organizations • Human services