Topic > RAVE-O Town: Comprehensive Online Network for Dyslexics

Retrieval, Automaticity, Vocabulary Elaboration, Orthography, otherwise known as RAVE-O, is an experimental, fluency-based approach to reading intervention. This program was designed to accompany a phonological analysis program. It was created to respond to the growing emphasis and need for fluidity and automaticity in intervention. RAVE-O addresses multiple sources of disfluency such as fluency, word attack, comprehension, word identification, and automaticity (such as phonology, spelling, semantics, and lexical skills) (Wolf, Miller, & Donnelly, 2000). The goal of RAVE-O is to facilitate the development of rapid recognition of spelling patterns and change children's attitudes towards language and/or reading. RAVE-O functions as a small group reading intervention program. The instructions in each unit have been designed to be concise, explicit, consistent and easy to follow. The instruction is designed to progress and explicitly connect each aspect of a word as it is encountered. It features “interactive, multisensory activities and imaginative strategies that enhance students' abilities to decode, read fluently, comprehend, remember, and appreciate what they read” (Wolf, 2011). RAVE-O consists of 16 units, with three to six lessons per unit. Every day in every unit, RAVE-O's multisensory activities and Minute Stories aim to strengthen the attention and memory of struggling readers. Overall progress within a unit moves from accuracy to fluency to fluent understanding. The target audience of RAVE-O are students in grades 2-5 who have "decoding difficulties related to phoneme awareness, fluency deficits and/or rapid naming deficits, fall into the “at risk” category (measured by DIBELS® , DIBELS® Next or standardized measures of word attack and word identification), are struggling readers who are also learning English and have been identified for Level 2 or Level 3