There is a war going on over how to define the term "marriage." This argument is fierce because the definition of marriage is questioned based on its morality, or in other words, whether it is right or wrong. Many conservative organizations, such as religious groups and other social conservative groups, argue that the definition of marriage should remain or return to being the formal union of a man and a woman or in other words, a heterosexual couple, through legal commitments and/or religious ceremonies. citing religious and social reasons. Other more liberal groups, such as gay rights groups, on the other hand, argue that the traditional view is obsolete and that nations should adopt or maintain official recognition of same-sex marriage as legitimate marriage, stating that same-sex couples made up of consenting adults should be afforded the rights and responsibilities that come with marriage. Despite calls to give consenting adults of same-sex couples the rights and responsibilities of marriage, this should not be done on the basis of morality and the social implications this entails. from a normative ethical perspective. Normative ethics is the branch of ethics, that branch of philosophy defined as the science of human conduct that investigates the criteria of what should be considered right or wrong. The basis for using a normative ethical approach to solve this problem is that the issue falls within the scope of applied ethics, the branch of philosophy that deals with specific and controversial moral issues such as abortion, the death penalty, and applied ethics. it's... half the paper......, Gregory. ““SUFFERING CHILDREN”: WHAT IS WRONG WITH GAY ADOPTION?” Christian Research Journal 28.2 (2005). Print.Rothbard, Murray N. THE ETHICS OF FREEDOM. first ed. New York: New York University Press, 1998. Print.Sachs, Joe. "Aristotle: Ethics." Ed. John-Stewart Gordon and Michael Boylan. IEP, April 11, 2001. Web. March 8, 2011. Sinnott-Armstrong, Walter. "Consequentialism". Ed. Walter Sinnott-Armstrong, Julia Driver and David Brink. SEP, 20 May 2003. Web. 8 March 2011. Solimeo, Luiz S. The myth of animal homosexuality. first ed. Spring Grove: The American TFP, 2004. Print.Sprigg, Peter. Top ten myths about homosexuality. first ed. Washington, DC: Family Research Council, 2010. Print.PSYCHOLOGICAL ASSOCIATION