School uniform designs are established by the school district and students are required to wear them. Although the wearing of uniform in the United States of America is slowly gaining ground, almost all schools in foreign countries already require their students to wear uniform. For example, in Japan “boys wear black trousers and a jacket with gold buttons on the front and a white shirt inside, or sometimes some kind of similar suit. Girls, wear a “kon” (a kind of dark blue skirt) or gray, with a sailor top or white shirt and matching vest” (Chen). I have also seen children wearing uniforms in places I have travelled. A couple of years ago I traveled to various islands in the Caribbean. All the islands I have traveled to require all school age children to wear uniforms to school. This started as soon as they started kindergarten and continued until they graduated from high school. Even though the colors varied between different uniforms, one thing always remained the same, boys wore pants and girls wore skirts. Not all girls feel comfortable in skirts. Wearing a skirt as part of the school uniform also harms minority groups in some schools, one of which is transgender schools. With Caitlyn Jenner's story of being a transgender person becoming so popular, many people are starting to notice a lot of transgender people