During this period you should take your child to the potty every fifteen to thirty minutes so that he becomes familiar with it. When demonstrating how to use the potty you could use a verbal demonstration while talking to your child telling them step by step what they should do or you could provide a physical demonstration by reciting the potty to your child so they can visually see what you are asking them to do. Soon your child will get into the habit of going to the potty on his own. This step also teaches your child a wide range of independent skills by showing him how to take off his clothes to sit on the potty. Next you will want to teach your child proper hygiene. After your child is finished using the potty, you should teach him to wipe from front to back. This helps prevent bacteria from entering private areas, which could lead to health problems such as bacterial infections. Your child should also learn how to properly use hand washing techniques after they finish potty training to avoid spreading harmful germs to other people. Proper hygiene is an important step in potty training because it can prevent several illnesses and diseases