The low-stakes test is a similar testing structure to the HST, except that the results are not used to penalize or praise. Using standardized tests appropriately and in a smaller capacity can be a positive change. This would alleviate many problems arising from the use of HST. The results can then be used to observe any harmful trends. None of these low-stakes tests would result in funding or compensation. These would only provide a roadmap for how leaders should move forward. Once this change has taken place, the task will be to discover where the breakdown in leadership lies. The school systems are very heavy. Highly paid administrators disconnected from the vision of education are rampant. These aren't bad, but ignorance is no defense. Leaders are meant to passionately guide teams towards a common purpose. People in the education system are not in it for the money and are willing to put in the hard work that a change of this magnitude requires. “One of the most popular reasons (75%) for joining teaching was the desire to make a difference, and 80% said they taught because they enjoyed working with children. Contrary to popular belief, just under 20% entered teaching because of long vacations” (Marsh). HST eradicates this passion. Low-stakes tests can be used to discover and fix the problems they indicate. However, it is not possible to provide solutions to the problems of our education system