Marsden. Mr. Marsden serves as an overseer for the hundreds of girls at the factory, a job that requires him only to make sure the girls complete their tasks while also taking care of their safety. However, his behavior as described by Lyddie only expresses that he cares a little too much. At one point in the book, Mr. Marsden attempts to take advantage of the fact that Lyddie is sick and weak due to a severe fever, "[stopping] her and [making] her wait until everyone was gone... bringing her strange little mouth and closer to his fiery face…” (129) Fortunately, Lyddie manages to escape his attempt to molest her by physically attacking him and running away. However, apparently Mr. Marsden is not the type to give up so easily, as demonstrated when Lyddie witnesses yet another attempted molestation of Brigid on her way back to her room at the end of the day. She “saw through the shadow Brigid, her eyes white with fear, and Mr. Marsden's back . His hands were tight on Brigid's arms. (160) Brigid, frightened and panicked, cried out, begging the overseer to release her from his grasp. Once again, Mr. Marsden's attempt was unsuccessful, as Lyddie she managed to interfere with the situation and save Brigid. Clearly, Mr. Marsden doesn't have many limits on his "desires" when it comes to the factory girls. Hence the constant presence of Mr. Marsden during the working hours of the factory girls